- Maize
- Maize which is damaged by cork borer larvae reduces crop yield by 20%
- "BT", a bacteria that contains a chromosome with a gene that, when activated, produces "BT" toxins
- Can kill the cork borer larvae
- The DNA from the BT gene is cut with restriction enzymes
- isolates the desired gene
- Transferred to the cells of the maize plant via 'gene gun'
- Genegun fires a tiny golden pellet coated with DNA
- DNA contains the desired BT gene
- Fired directly into young plant tissue
- The genetically modified tissue can be grown into new plants
- gives maize resistance againts damage from the cork borer larvae
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
5.15 Genetically Modified Plants
5.14 Humulin
- The bacterial cell is transformed by the recombinant DNA
- Human DNA for the insulin gene is combined with the plasmid DNA
- A large population of the bacteria is injected into a fermenter
- Necessities
- Provides the right nutrients
- Controls the temperature
- Controls the pH level
- Controls the gases in the fermenting chamber
- Optimum temperature for bacterial growth > population increase + manifacture the protine insulin
- The insulin protein will be manufactured from the amino acid (nutrient protein) by the bacteria
- Necessary to remove the product to carry out purification by downstream processing
- This genetically engineered human insulin is called 'Humulin'
5.13 Recombinant DNA and Hosting Recombinant DNA
- Plasmid
- Found in bacterial cells
- Is a small circular piece of DNA
- Doesn't carry a lot genes
- Virus
- Contains Caspid
- protein shell
- Contains DNA/RNA
- A nucleic acid
- Has no nucleus or cytoplasm
- Human Chromosome
- Identify the gene (Insulin- Hormone controling the blood sugar levels)
- The selected restriction enzyme cuts the DNA (Cuts the insulin gene)
- Cut the gene
- Isolate the plasmids and cut with the same enzyme
- the plasmids are now open allowing the insulin gene to be mixed
- Vector
- Transfers the gene into the plasmid
- The nucleic acid is removed from the virus to obtain the Caspid protein shell
- The virus takes the plasmids and acts as a vector for the recombiant DNA
- This helps transfer the DNA to the host
- Phage
- A type of virus
- Infects bacteria cells
- The virus is able to insert the recombinant DNA into the host cell by attaching itself to the cell membrane of the bacteria host
- the recombinant DNA and the human gene for insulin is now in the bacteria cell
- This is a combination called 'transgenic
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
5.9 Fish Farming
- Features that a fish should have
- High protine
- kow fat
- Able to turn nutrients into fish mass efficiently
- Advantages of fish farming
- Can control:
- Quality of water
- Predators
- Can reduce:
- pests
- bacteria
- diseases
- Can contribute to increase in yeild of fish
- Disadvantage
- High density fish = transition of disease
- Leads to the use of Antibiotics
- Pest becomes more common
- Leads to the use of pesticides
- Major concern to human health
5.8 Industrial Fermenter
- Aseptic precaution
- A pipe steam filled pipe
- fed into the fermenter in between session
- To sterilize the fermenter
- Nutrients
- Nutrients are fed in through pipes
- Can be opened or closed using valves
- Optimum Temperature and PH
- Has a sensitive prob to measure each
- Fermentation produces heat
- Fermenter is surrounded by a water jacket
- to prevent over heating
- water circulates and keeps temperature at the most efficient for growth
- PH can be adjusted by adding acids or alkali
- To keep it constant
- Oxygenation and Agitation
- Stirring paddles
- Stirs content
- located in the center of the fermenter
- Keeps microorganisms in suspension in the liquid
- They get more exposure to the nutrients that are fed in
- Agiation helps keep the temperature even in the fermenter
5.7 Yogurt production
Cow->Milk-> Pasteurization(kills bacteria)
Lactose(Milk sugar)-Incubate 45-46-> Lacticacid -> Lowers PH acidity
Milk solids solidify -> Yogurt
Lactose(Milk sugar)-Incubate 45-46-> Lacticacid -> Lowers PH acidity
Milk solids solidify -> Yogurt
5.5 Beer production
- Beer
- An alcoholic substance
- Obtained through fermenting yeast in water
- Sugar from plant material is mixed in water
- Barley
- Converts sugar into ethanol and CO2
- Yeast is a natural catalyst
- Sugar -> ethanol +CO2
- C6H1206 -enzyme in yeast-> 2CH5OH+2CO2
- The barley's starch is broken down into sugar
- Easier for the yeast to ferment it to ethanol
- When the barley seed germinates (Malting), it produces amylase (an enzyme)
- Breaks down starch into maltose
- Used by the yeast as an energy source
- Sugar from the barley is obtained through boiling it
- Hops are then added to adjust the flavor
- Also stops bacteria from growing
- Yeast is then added
- Uses up all oxygen and starts to respire
5.4 Pest Control and Biological Control
- Pest control
- Pests
- Organisms that reduces the yield of crops
- Damages farming
- Pesticides
- Can be used to kill pests
- Advantages
- Doesn't harm humans, only pests
- Helps to keep the yield strong
- All crops capable
- Easy to apply
- Disadvantages
- Expensive
- Pest can develop resistance
- Harmful to environment
- Can kill insects
- Pollinating ones are important
- Can wipe out food chain
- Not 100% effective
- Biological control
- Controlling pests through introducing their natural predetors
- Advantages
- No poison involved
- Almost all crops are affected
- Disadvantages
- Expensive
- Difficult to apply
- Not suitable for allcrops
5.3 Fertilizer
- Fertilisers contain minerals
- nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
- Helps plants grow Bigger + faster
- Crop yields are increased
- Nitrogen
- Makes protines
- Phosphates
- Make DNA/Membrane structure
- The minerals are dissolved first in water
- Plants can absorb them through the roots
- Active transport
- Types of fertilizer
- Organic Fertilizers
- Made from farmyard feces
- Mixture of animal manure and straw
- Goes through decomposition and fermentation
- Forms "Slurry"
- Applied to the fields afterwards
- Provides the important minerals for growth
- Inorganic/Artificial
- Made from inorganic compounds
- Potassium Nitrate
- Ammonium nitrate
- Formulated to obtain a specific amount carefully
- Applies as a solution with water
- The nitrates are released and absorbed by the roots
- Eutrophication
- Occurs when farmers apply inorganic fertilizers
- other mineral ions lost from removing the crops
- These ions are very soluble
- Easily leached from the soil
- Carried by water
- Can enter water ways
- Levels of the nitrates increases rapidly in lakes and rivers
- Increase in mineral ions
- Eutrophication
- Natural process resulting in bad waterways
- Due to the leaching ions
- Process
- Nitrate levels increase
- algae rreproduce rapidly
- Using the nitrates to make extra proteins
- Produces algai bloom
- Algea prevents light penetrating into water
- Plants unable to photosynthesize
- Dies
- Bacteria decay on dead plants
- Alge also dies
- Lack of nitrates
- The bacteria reproduces
- large amount of dead matter
- The water becomes anoxic
- without oxygen
- All life in the water dies
5.2 Crop Yields and CO2
- Rate of P/S
- CO2 + H2O -> Glucose + Oxygen
- Glucose -> Starch
- Increasing CO2 -> Increases the rate of reaction of P/S
- Higher Yeild
- Optimum Temperature
- Increasing temperature -> Increases the rate of reaction of P/S
- Higher Yeild
- Optimum Temperature
Thursday, February 16, 2012
5.1 Glasshouses
- Glasshouses are used to improve yield of crop
- Giving best possible conditions for photosynthesis
- Allows plants to grow earlier in the year
- Allows plants to grow in places in which they are not native to
- Can be controlled/manage via computer
- Conditions
- Temperature
- The sunlight heats the inside of the glass house
- The glass keeps the heat inside
- Electric/paraffin heaters can be used in cold weather
- Ventilators can cool the inside when too hot
- Light
- The glass lets sunlight in
- Artificial lights can be used when there is little/no sunlight
- Sunlight can be controlled using blinds
- Water
- Automatic watering systems can be installed
- Humidifiers can be installed to control the humidity
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
2.84 - 2.85 Nerve impulses and responses
- Nerve impulses pass through the CNS and the effectors create a respons
- Electrical impulses
- Signals/impulses created by the receptors which are send to the coordinator
- Method of transporting information of environmental change from the receptors to the coordinators in order to produce a response
- Decision making
- When receptors are affected by a change, they sends eletrical signals/impulses through the sensory nerves to the CNS
- The brain then coordinates the response
- Reflex action
- Very rapid, uncoordinated movement
- Ex: Pulling your leg up after stepping on a lego block in the dark
- Pain receptors detects the lego
- Sensory Nerve sends the electrical signal (Impulse) to the CNS, Brain
- The Motor nerve sends signals to the effector (Skin)
- The effector (Skin) produces a response
- Reflex
- Muscle contracts
- Leg is pulled up
2.83 Central Nervous System (CNS)
- Allows the body to respond to any change in the environment
- Consist of:
- Brain
- Spinal cord
- All the nerves branching out from the cord
- The CNS refers only to only the brain and the spinal cord
- Impulses from the receptors pass through the sensory nerves til they reach the spinal cord and te brain
- There are two ways in which the CSN handles these changes:
- Response coordinated by the brain
- Slower
- Reflex action
- Extra rapid responses to stimuli that by-pass the brain
2.82 Communication
- Motor Nerve (Neurone)
- Links coordinators with effectors
- Around a meter long
- Has tiny branches at each end
- Has long fibers at each end
- To carry the electrical impulses from the cell body to the Synaptic knob
- Connected to the muscle
- Mammals- The axon is surrounded by a scwhan cell
- Contains fat to increase the speed of the nerve conduction
- Endocrine System
- Endocrine Gland
- Produces hormones
- Can be Proteins/Steroids
- Secreted in to the blood
- Arrives at the "Target organ/tissue"
- May have multiple targets
- May have multiple effects
- Endocrine gland (Adrenal gland) > Blood (Adrenaline) > Target Tissue (Heart)
- |Nerves |Hormones
Speed of reaction | fast |slow
Type of transmission|Chemical signal |Electrochemical signal - Specificity |Can be a few/many body parts|Affects target cells/organs
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
2.77b Thermoregulation
- Receptors-
- Transforms external energy into internal electrical impulses
- Controls body temperature
- Human enzymes:
- Woks best at 37-38 degrees
- Dangers of body temperature
- High: Heat stroke, dehydration
- Death if not treated
- Low: Hyperthermia
- Death if not treated
- The brain monitors the body's temperature
- When too cold/hot, the brain sends nerve impulses to the skin
- Has 3 ways of increasing or decreasing lost heat from the surface of the body
- Hair standing up -
- Traps more warm air which reduces heat loss
- Less when lying flat
- Capillary network
- allows blood to move further away from skin
- Tiny muscles controls the hairs
- Sweat
- Glands under the skin secret when hot
- increases heat loss through evaporation
- When the body is back at normal temperature, the skin stops secreting
- Capillary network
- allows blood to move closer to the surface skin
- Blood vessels supplying blood to the skin can cause the skin to swell or dilate
- Hot Day-
- Vasodilation
- The blood vessels dilate (widen)
- Hairs are flat
- More heat is carried by the blood to the skin
- Can be lost to the air through sweat
- Cold Day-
- Vasoconstriction
- The blood vessels swell (shrink down)
- Hairs are raised
- Reduces heat loss
- Returns body temp back to normal
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
2.77a Thermoregulation
- Homeostatis
- Homeo- Same
- Statis- Conditions
- Same conditions
- Homeothermic
- Thermic- Temperature
- Same Temperature
2.76 Sensitivity
- Sensitivity- Response to changes in the environment
- Changes:
- Chemical Level
- Light Level
- Temperature Level
- Characteristics of life:
- Movement
- Respire
- Senses
- Grow
- Reproduce
- Excrete
- Nutrition
- Receptors/Effectors in organism
- Receptors- To detect to change
- Effectors- To respond to change
- Response-
- Organism is able to survive these changes
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